[同义词辨析] 2017-11-10 讥讽ridicule-twit

ridicule: implies a deliberate often malicious belittling: consistently ~d everything she said.   belittle贬低

deride: suggests a contemptuous and often bitter ridiculing: ~d their efforts to start their own business.

mock: implies a scornful deriding often ironically expressed by mimicry or sham deference: youngsters began to ~ the helpless old man.   mimicry模仿 sham deference假装服从顺从

taunt: suggests a jeeringly reproachful insult or derisive challenging: terrorists ~ed the hostages.

twit: usually suggests mild or good-humored teasing: students ~ted their teacher about his tardiness.

ridicule: deride: mock: taunt: twit:

记忆方法,联想记忆RDM(人的母): 程度加深,都是用后边的词解释前边的词,如用D解释M

记忆方法: 1)首字母RDMTT

         2)讥讽的意思是取笑mean to make an object of laughter of.